
Otoplasty, commonly known as ear surgery or ear pinning, is a cosmetic surgical procedure designed to reshape and reposition the ears. The goal of otoplasty is to improve the appearance of the ears by correcting deformities, reducing protrusion, or enhancing symmetry. This procedure is often performed on individuals who are unhappy with the size, shape, or position of their ears.

Key aspects of otoplasty include:

  1. Ear Protrusion:

    • Otoplasty is frequently sought to address ears that protrude prominently from the sides of the head. The procedure can reshape and reposition the ears closer to the head for a more balanced and natural appearance.

  2. Ear Deformities:

    • Otoplasty can correct various ear deformities, such as misshapen ears, overly large ears, or asymmetrical ears.

  3. Procedure Techniques:

    • Cartilage Reshaping: The surgery often involves reshaping the cartilage within the ear to achieve the desired form.

    • Incision Placement: Incisions are typically made behind the ear or within the natural folds to minimize visible scarring.

    • Stitching Techniques: Sutures may be used to secure the cartilage in its new position and to close incisions.

  4. Candidates:

    • Candidates for otoplasty are often individuals who are dissatisfied with the appearance of their ears and seek improvement.

    • Otoplasty is commonly performed on children, but it can also be done on adults.

  5. Recovery:

    • The recovery period after otoplasty is relatively short. Patients may experience some swelling and bruising, and they are usually advised to wear a headband to protect the ears during the initial healing phase.

    • Most patients can return to regular activities within a week or two.

  6. Results:

    • The final results of otoplasty become more apparent as swelling subsides. Patients can expect a more balanced and aesthetically pleasing ear appearance.

    • Otoplasty results are generally long-lasting, and the ears retain their improved appearance over time.

  7. Psychological Impact:

    • Otoplasty can have a positive impact on an individual's self-esteem and confidence, especially in cases where prominent ears have been a source of concern.

18 and older

In good health conditions

Realistic expectations


Consider altering your medication regimen or discuss potential medication adjustments. Take a break from smoking. Refrain from consuming aspirin.


You will be admitted to our hospital upon your arrival. We will do the bloodwork, face-to face consultation with the surgeon and other necessary tests to prepare you for the operation.


The surgeons cover the ears with bandages for protection after the operation. Patients should sleep on their backs and not sides to minimize the pressure on their ears. It is possible to feel discomfort and itching. There is a high chance that the ears are swollen and red. The bandages are removed in a few days. Swelling, redness and discomfort will also slowly fade.