Breast Lift

Mastopexy is a procedure used to lift sagging breasts. The intervention comprises three main steps: excision of excess skin, re-shaping of the breast tissue and re-positioning of the nipple-areola complex. By reshaping the sagging breast skin after weight loss and breastfeeding, the breast regains its former form as closely as possible.

18 and older

In good health conditions

Realistic expectations

Most patients choose to have a breast lift if their breasts have lost their youthful shape and the areolas point down instead of forward.

Breast Lift Methods:

Not all breasts are the same, and not all of them can be lifted with the same method. Thus, there are a few methods surgeons use while operating, depending on each patient's condition: the level of sagging, patient's age and other circumstances.

●PeriAreolar Breast Lift: This method is generally preferred if the sagging is mild. The surgeon makes a small incision on the outer side of the areola to make a small lift. This method is also known as the "doughnut" method because of the shape of the areola.

●Vertical Breast Lift: This method is preferred if the patient has moderate sagging or their breasts need reshaping. A vertical breast lift requires two incisions; a circular one around the areola and a vertical one from the areola down to the crease of the breast. The look of these incisions is similar to a lollipop, thus giving the method its popular name.

●Anchor Breast Lift: Just like the previous two methods, the anchor breast lift also gets its name from the shape of the incisions. This method requires three incisions: A circular incision outside the areola, a vertical incision down the crease of the breast and a horizontal incision along the crease. Most of the time, this method is used to treat extreme sagging and asymmetry.


Consider altering your medication regimen or discuss potential medication adjustments. Take a break from smoking. Refrain from consuming aspirin.


You will be admitted to our hospital upon your arrival. We will do the bloodwork, face-to face consultation with the surgeon and other necessary tests to prepare you for the operation


You will have bandages for the first few days after the operation. They will be removed before you're discharged from the hospital. Swelling and bruising are the expected side effects of this operation. Such side effects go away in a few days. Surgeons advise wearing compression garments for a few weeks after the operation. Generally, patients can go back to their work and daily routines in one week. However, if their job requires physical labour, surgeons advise resting for another week. You can begin exercising in about a month. It takes around six months for the area to heal and for breasts to take shape.