Breast Reduction

Certainly, breast reduction is a surgical procedure aimed at reducing the size of the breasts. It involves removing excess fat, glandular tissue, and skin to achieve a more proportionate breast size. This surgery is often sought by individuals experiencing physical discomfort, such as back pain or shoulder strain, due to excessively large breasts. Additionally, breast reduction can enhance the overall shape and appearance of the breasts, providing both physical and emotional relief for the patient. It's essential to consult with a qualified plastic surgeon to discuss individual concerns, expectations, and the potential risks and benefits associated with the procedure.

18 and older

In good health conditions

Realistic expectations

Breast Reduction Methods:

here are three popular methods surgeons use while operating on breast reduction patients. These are Inverted T, Vertical and Liposuction. The surgeon decides on the method after examining the patient's situation.

Inverted T Breast Reduction is also known as the anchor method. It is preferred by the surgeons if the patient has significant sagging and needs reshaping. The shape of the incisions resembles an anchor, thus giving the method its name. The incisions start from the edge of the areola and move down underneath the breasts. As the scars are underneath the breasts, they stay hidden.

If the breasts need a slight size reduction and have noticeable sagging, then Vertical Breast Reduction would be the ideal method. This method allows the surgeons to reshape the breasts and give them a natural look. The scars are again staying under the breasts. Thus most underwear and swimwear can cover them.

Liposuction is less invasive and results in less scarring compared to other methods. Surgeons prefer to take out the excess fat tissue if the breasts do not need a major size reduction. However, the breasts might need a lift for reshaping after they're reduced. Thus, surgeons combine liposuction with a breast lift in most cases.


Consider altering your medication regimen or discuss potential medication adjustments. Take a break from smoking. Refrain from consuming aspirin.


You will be admitted to our hospital upon your arrival. We will do the bloodwork, face-to face consultation with the surgeon and other necessary tests to prepare you for the operation


The recovery timeline depends on each patient's age and health condition. It's crucial to let your body heal by giving it some time. You can return to work in a week if your job doesn't include physical labour. If your job requires physical work, you may need to stay home for another week to heal completely. It's best to be in touch with your doctor and ask if you can do certain things like exercise and household chores.

You should wear compression garments for a few weeks, avoid alcohol and smoking for an easier recovery. Including more protein-rich foods in your diet and hydrating your body also speeds up recovery. You're most likely to return to your daily routines and fully recover in less than two months.