Beard And Mustache Transplant

A Beard and Mustache Transplant is a cosmetic surgical procedure that involves the transplantation of hair follicles to enhance the growth of facial hair, specifically in the beard and mustache areas. This procedure is sought by individuals who have difficulty growing or maintaining facial hair due to genetic factors, scarring, or other reasons.

Key aspects of Beard and Mustache Transplant include:

  1. Hair Follicle Extraction:

    • Similar to other hair transplant techniques, the most common method for Beard and Mustache Transplant is Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE). Individual hair follicles are extracted from a donor area, typically the back or sides of the scalp.

  2. Recipient Site Creation:

    • The surgeon creates recipient sites or tiny incisions in the beard and mustache areas where the transplanted hair follicles will be implanted. The design and angle of these incisions play a crucial role in achieving a natural-looking result.

  3. Hair Follicle Transplantation:

    • The extracted hair follicles are transplanted into the recipient sites with precision to mimic the natural growth pattern of facial hair. The transplanted hairs will then grow in the same way as the donor area.

  4. Customization:

    • The surgeon works closely with the patient to design a beard and mustache that suits their facial features and aesthetic preferences. This customization ensures a personalized and natural outcome.

  5. Natural-Looking Results:

    • The goal of Beard and Mustache Transplant is to create a fuller and more aesthetically pleasing facial hair appearance. The use of individual hair follicles and careful design contributes to natural-looking results.

  6. Local Anesthesia:

    • The procedure is typically performed under local anesthesia to ensure the patient's comfort during the surgery.

  7. Recovery:

    • The recovery period involves some redness, swelling, and scabbing in the treated areas. Patients are usually advised to follow postoperative care instructions to facilitate healing.

  8. Results:

    • The final results of a Beard and Mustache Transplant become noticeable as the transplanted hair follicles start to grow. Hair growth is a gradual process, and it may take several months to see the full results.

  9. Candidacy:

    • Individuals who have thin or patchy facial hair, have lost facial hair due to scarring or trauma, or simply desire a fuller beard or mustache are potential candidates for this procedure.

18 and older

In good health conditions

Realistic expectations


Take a break from smoking & alcohol consumption. Stop taking blood thinners a few days prior to your operation date..


You will be admitted to our hospital upon your arrival. We will do the bloodwork, face-to face consultation with the surgeon and other necessary tests to prepare you for the operation.


Although a hair transplant doesn't have a long recovery time, it's crucial to follow the surgeons' advice. Bruising, swelling and light dizziness are common side effects of this operation, which go away in a few days. Patients should rest their heads as much as possible. Looking down may cause the swelling to come down to the eyes.

Aftercare is an essential part of the recovery procedure. Patients need to take extra care of their operated area..