Tummy Tuck

A tummy tuck, is a cosmetic surgical procedure designed to improve the appearance of the abdomen by removing excess skin and fat. The procedure also involves tightening the abdominal muscles to create a smoother and firmer abdominal profile. Tummy tucks are often sought by individuals who have experienced significant weight loss, pregnancy, or aging, resulting in loose or sagging abdominal skin.

Key aspects of a tummy tuck include:

  1. Excess Skin and Fat Removal:

    • The primary goal of a tummy tuck is to remove excess skin and fat from the abdomen. This is particularly beneficial for individuals who have abdominal skin laxity that is resistant to diet and exercise.

  2. Muscle Tightening:

    • Abdominal muscles, specifically the rectus abdominis muscles, may become stretched or separated (diastasis recti) due to factors like pregnancy or weight fluctuations. A tummy tuck includes tightening these muscles to create a firmer abdominal wall.

  3. Procedure Techniques:

    • Full Tummy Tuck: This involves making an incision horizontally between the hip bones, typically just above the pubic area. The surgeon then removes excess skin, tightens muscles, and may reposition the belly button if necessary.

    • Mini or Partial Tummy Tuck: This is a less extensive procedure suitable for individuals with limited excess skin and muscle laxity primarily below the navel.

  4. Candidacy:

    • Ideal candidates for a tummy tuck are often individuals who have significant skin laxity or muscle separation in the abdominal area that diet and exercise alone cannot address.

    • Common candidates include those who have experienced pregnancy, significant weight loss, or the natural aging process.

  5. Recovery:

    • The recovery period after a tummy tuck involves some swelling, bruising, and discomfort. Patients are typically advised to wear a compression garment to support the treated area during the initial healing phase.

    • Most patients can return to normal activities within a few weeks.

  6. Results:

    • The final results of a tummy tuck become more apparent as swelling subsides. Patients can expect a flatter, more toned abdominal contour.

    • Results are long-lasting, especially with a healthy lifestyle, although the natural aging process will continue.

  7. Combination Procedures:

    • A tummy tuck can be performed as a standalone procedure or in combination with other body contouring surgeries, such as liposuction or breast surgery, for more comprehensive results.

18 and older

In good health conditions

Realistic expectations


Consider altering your medication regimen or discuss potential medication adjustments. Take a break from smoking. Refrain from consuming aspirin.


You will be admitted to our hospital upon your arrival. We will do the bloodwork, face-to face consultation with the surgeon and other necessary tests to prepare you for the operation.


Recovery from a tummy tuck depends on how the patient takes care of their body. It can take up to six-eight weeks to fully recover from a tummy tuck. The patient has to wear compression garments and avoid exercise and lifting for the first few weeks. Patients should also avoid household chores, even if they look like simple tasks. It is possible to continue to work within one week if the job doesn't require physical labour. Otherwise, the patient has to wait until the doctor allows such activities.