Eyebrow Transplant

An Eyebrow Transplant is a cosmetic surgical procedure designed to enhance or restore the appearance of the eyebrows by transplanting hair follicles into the eyebrow area. This procedure is sought by individuals who have sparse or thin eyebrows, have lost eyebrow hair due to trauma or medical conditions, or simply desire fuller and more defined eyebrows.

Key aspects of Eyebrow Transplant include:

  1. Hair Follicle Extraction:

    • The most common method for Eyebrow Transplant is Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE). Individual hair follicles are extracted from a donor area, typically the back or sides of the scalp.

  2. Recipient Site Creation:

    • The surgeon creates recipient sites or tiny incisions in the eyebrow area where the transplanted hair follicles will be implanted. The design and angle of these incisions are crucial for achieving a natural-looking and aesthetically pleasing result.

  3. Hair Follicle Transplantation:

    • The extracted hair follicles are transplanted into the recipient sites with precision to mimic the natural growth pattern of eyebrow hair. The transplanted hairs will then grow in the same way as the donor area.

  4. Customization:

    • The surgeon works closely with the patient to design the shape, arch, and density of the eyebrows according to their facial features and aesthetic preferences. This customization ensures a personalized and natural outcome.

  5. Natural-Looking Results:

    • The goal of Eyebrow Transplant is to create fuller, well-defined eyebrows that appear natural. The use of individual hair follicles and careful design contributes to achieving this natural look.

  6. Local Anesthesia:

    • The procedure is typically performed under local anesthesia to ensure the patient's comfort during the surgery.

  7. Recovery:

    • The recovery period involves some redness, swelling, and scabbing in the treated areas. Patients are usually advised to follow postoperative care instructions to facilitate healing.

  8. Results:

    • The final results of an Eyebrow Transplant become noticeable as the transplanted hair follicles start to grow. Hair growth is a gradual process, and it may take several months to see the full results.

  9. Candidacy:

    • Individuals who have thin or sparse eyebrows, have lost eyebrow hair due to trauma, medical conditions, or over-plucking, or simply desire a more defined and fuller eyebrow appearance are potential candidates for this procedure.

What is an eyebrow lift?

An eyebrow lift is a surgical operation in which the brows are raised to open up the face. This lift allows the face to look less wrinkly and younger. Eyebrows are the most important aspect of facial expressions. Thus, lifting the eyebrows makes a dramatic change in how the face looks when resting. Surgeons determine the best eyebrow shape and level for each patient according to their facial anatomy. An eyebrow lift is one of the simplest ways of reducing wrinkles on the forehead. It also smoothens the frown lines. Therefore it's widely preferred.

Who needs an eyebrow lift?

Deep, horizontal wrinkles and droopy eyes make someone look much older than their age. If your eyes always look tired, your forehead is wrinkly and your expression has changed a lot due to your eyebrows squeezing your eyes, you might need an eyebrow lift. These problems may come from old age, skin problems, previous facial aesthetic operations or other factors. If you think you need an eyebrow lift, the best thing to do is to consult a plastic surgeon. Here at Apera Clinic, we have online consultation, in which the patients can send their photos and ask questions to an expert through our patient representatives.

Eyebrow Lift Surgery

As mentioned above, an eyebrow lift is a rather quick and simple procedure compared to other facial aesthetics. It takes about 20-60 minutes after the anaesthesia. First, the surgeon makes the necessary incisions. The surgeon determines the number of incisions considering the patient's current look. These incisions are carefully placed behind the hairline, so they are not visible. Thanks to advanced technology, an eyebrow lift can be performed with smaller incisions. Smaller incisions lead to less scarring. Then the eyebrows are lifted and repositioned to meet the patient's desires. It's a common practice most plastic surgeons can perform

Recovery from an Eyebrow Lift

Recovery may change a little depending on the chosen method for the eyebrow lift. However, patients can go back home on the same day of the operation at all times. It's relatively easy to recover from and patients can continue their daily routines. The scar healing can take around two weeks. It's crucial to keep the area clean to eliminate infections. Slight pain and bruising are normal. They reduce and go away in a few weeks. The patient can expect to see the results immediately. However, it can take a few months for the skin to heal fully.

Cost of Eyebrow Lift in Turkey

The cost of an eyebrow lift comes on the top of the Frequently Asked Questions list. The pricing depends on the method, surgical team, clinic and if the patient needs other treatments. Thus, getting a quotation from the clinics is the best way to get accurate pricing. Some clinics may include additional treatments and services in their fees. It's best to decide only after carefully reviewing each offer and speaking to representatives.

Top 3 Most Asked Questions About Eyebrow Lift

Is it painful?

All eyebrow lift methods are performed under anaesthesia (local or general). Therefore patients do not feel any pain during the procedure. They might feel some ache or pain later that day, which can be treated with prescribed pain killers.


Can I move my eyebrows after the surgery?

Once the anaesthesia wears off and the scars heal, you can easily make any facial expression with your eyebrows.


Is it permanent?

An eyebrow lift is a very effective surgery. The results are long-term - almost a lifetime. However, as patients still age, the eyebrows may slightly drop again. If this happens, patients can always have another eyebrow lift


Ready for your appointment? Once you book with Apera Clinic, you don't have to worry about accommodation or transport. We handle all travel details -except flight tickets- before you step your foot in Turkey. Surgeries like eyebrow lifts are great ways to achieve a younger facial expression. Feel free to ask questions to our patient representatives through a text message or a phone call.