Arm Lift

An arm lift, also known as brachioplasty, is a surgical procedure designed to reshape and improve the contour of the upper arms by removing excess skin and fat. The goal of an arm lift is to address sagging or "batwing" appearance in the arms, which can occur due to factors such as aging, significant weight loss, or genetics.

Key aspects of an arm lift include:

  1. Excess Skin Removal:

    • The primary focus of an arm lift is the removal of excess skin from the upper arms. This excess skin may be the result of aging, weight loss, or a combination of factors.

  2. Liposuction:

    • In some cases, liposuction may be combined with an arm lift to remove excess fat from the upper arms and enhance overall contour. This is particularly useful when the sagging is associated with excess fat deposits.

  3. Incision Placement:

    • The incision for an arm lift is typically made on the inner side of the upper arm, extending from the elbow to the armpit. The length and pattern of the incision depend on the amount of excess skin to be removed.

  4. Muscle Tightening:

    • In some cases, the surgeon may tighten and reshape the underlying supportive tissues (brachial fascia) to improve the overall contour of the arms.

  5. Candidacy:

    • Candidates for an arm lift are often individuals who have significant sagging or excess skin on their upper arms that is not responsive to diet and exercise.

    • Common candidates include those who have experienced significant weight loss or the natural aging process.

  6. Recovery:

    • The recovery period after an arm lift involves some swelling and bruising. Patients are generally advised to avoid strenuous activities and to follow postoperative care instructions provided by the surgeon.

  7. Results:

    • The final results of an arm lift become more apparent as swelling subsides. Patients can expect improved arm contour with a reduction in sagging skin.

    • Results are long-lasting, but the natural aging process will continue.

  8. Combination Procedures:

    • An arm lift can be performed as a standalone procedure or in combination with other body contouring surgeries, such as abdominoplasty or thigh lift, as part of a comprehensive body rejuvenation plan.

18 and older

In good health conditions

Realistic expectations


Consider altering your medication regimen or discuss potential medication adjustments. Take a break from smoking. Refrain from consuming aspirin.


You will be admitted to our hospital upon your arrival. We will do the bloodwork, face-to face consultation with the surgeon and other necessary tests to prepare you for the operation.


The recovery process depends on each patient, but it's similar most of the time. The operated area may be covered with bandages or with some sort of compression garment for better compression. Swelling and bruising are expected side effects of an arm lift. Most patients ask how soon they can return to their jobs after an arm lift. If the job doesn't include physical labour, the patients can continue their work after one week.