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    Apera Health: Clinica de chirurgie bariatrică nr. 1 din Turcia

    Experience Exceptional Care and Affordability at Turkey’s Leading Bariatric Surgery Clinic 

    +10 Years of



    Succesfull Treatment


    Medical Staff

    Our All-Inclusive Gastric Sleeve Journey



    Pre-op Test








    Pre-op Test






    Apera Health About Us​

    Apera Health is Turkey’s leading bariatric surgery clinic since 2019, offering top-quality care at affordable rates.

    Our team of skilled surgeons and healthcare professionals is committed to creating personalized treatment plans for every patient. 

    What Makes Apera Health the Perfect Choice for You?

    Satisfacție garantată

    La Apera Health Clinic, susținem calitatea serviciilor noastre cu o garanție de satisfacție. Din momentul în care intrați pe ușile noastre, obiectivul nostru este să ne asigurăm că experiența dumneavoastră depășește așteptările.

    Acordăm prioritate comunicării deschise, planurilor de îngrijire personalizate și informațiilor transparente pentru a vă permite să luați decizii în cunoștință de cauză cu privire la sănătatea dumneavoastră

    Our Happy Patients

    Hear What Our Patients Have to Say About Their Apera Health Experience

    WhatsApp Image 2024-07-01 at 15.26.32 (1)
    Choosing Apera Clinic for my bariatric surgery was the best decision I made. Not only did they provide exceptional care, but their prices were also incredibly reasonable. I received top-notch treatment without breaking the bank, and I couldn't be happier with the results
    Emily. S
    WhatsApp Image 2024-07-01 at 15.31.21 (1)
    I wanted to make sure I had plenty of time with my children after surgery, and Apera Clinic made that possible. From the first consultation to post-operative care, they were understanding and accommodating. Thanks to their efficient treatment and supportive staff, I'm now able to enjoy more quality moments with my family
    David A.
    WhatsApp Image 2024-07-01 at 15.26.32
    I'm truly grateful to Apera Clinic for their outstanding care. The surgeons and nurses were highly skilled and attentive. They provided personalized treatment that made me feel safe and confident throughout the entire process. Apera Clinic is the place to go for anyone looking for top-quality bariatric surgery.
    Michael Z.
    WhatsApp Image 2024-07-01 at 15.26.33
    Apera Clinic exceeded all my expectations. The team was so supportive throughout my entire journey. They explained everything clearly, ensured I felt comfortable, and the results have been life-changing. I highly recommend Apera Clinic to anyone considering bariatric surgery
    Sophia H.

    Soul for Soul
    By Apera Health

    Did you know about the bond of love we’ve established all over the world?

    In our ‘Soul for Soul’ social responsibility project, we offer free gastric bypass surgery support to one patient monthly, aiding them in transitioning to a healthy, new life. We believe that by amplifying love at the brink of a healthy lifestyle, we can nurture its expansion.

    Gastric Sleeve Before & After Photos

    Transformative Results at Apera Health Clinic. View our gallery of remarkable transformations to see the incredible impact of our bariatric and cosmetic surgery solutions

    Your Health is Safe with Apera Care+ Health Insurance!

    Apera Care Plus is an insurance service offered to all our patients, providing peace of mind in the event of any post-surgery complications, valid for six months across Europe and the UK. This comprehensive coverage, valued at 3000 euros, ensures that our patients receive prompt and high-quality medical care in any hospital, wherever they may be. It’s our commitment to safeguarding your well-being long after your procedure at Apera Health Clinic

    The leading Apera Health Group
    in the field of obesity surgery has developed the Atera-Fit products specifically for bariatric patients alongside expert doctors and experienced dietitians.

    5 Star Hotel

    Apera Health Group: Luxurious Patient Accommodation at Hotel Kailyn by Apera Health Group

    VIP Transfer Services

    Apera Health Group provides VIP transfer services for a smooth and comfortable experience. Our luxury vehicles and professional drivers offer personalized transportation to and from our facilities, ensuring you can focus on your health. This service reflects our commitment to exceptional patient care and convenience

    Apera Health Blog’s

    Explorați perspective și povești: Ghidul dumneavoastră pentru sănătate și bunăstare la clinica Apera Health

    Asked Questions

    Gastric sleeve surgery, also known as sleeve gastrectomy, is a surgical procedure that reduces the size of the stomach to help with weight loss. It works by restricting the amount of food you can eat, making you feel fuller sooner.

    Gastric sleeve surgery is generally considered safe when performed by experienced surgeons in accredited medical facilities. At Apera Health Clinic, our skilled team ensures the highest standards of safety and care throughout the procedure.

    The benefits of gastric sleeve surgery include significant weight loss, improvement or resolution of obesity-related health conditions such as diabetes and hypertension, and enhanced quality of life

    Timpul de recuperare variază de la o persoană la alta, dar majoritatea pacienților se pot aștepta să revină la activitățile normale în decurs de 2 până la 4 săptămâni. Echipa noastră oferă îngrijire postoperatorie personalizată pentru a sprijini procesul de recuperare.

    Turcia este renumită pentru facilitățile sale medicale avansate, chirurgii experimentați și costurile accesibile ale îngrijirii medicale în comparație cu multe alte țări. Clinica Apera Health oferă tratament de clasă mondială într-un mediu confortabil și de susținere, făcând din Turcia o alegere populară pentru turiștii medicali care caută intervenții de micșorare a stomacului (gastric sleeve).


    La Apera Healt Clinic faceți cunoștință cu cei mai buni specialiști în chirurgie bariatrică din Turcia.